Caracal | Communications for Geopolitics

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Ross Rant | September 13, 2017

A Kiwi MP is being probed by a spy agency suggesting he is serving China's global espionage efforts. Cryptocurrency chaos as China cracks down and Jamie Dimon suggests someone will get killed. Trump will visit China in November as part of his visit to the region to attend the US-ASEAN, APEC, and the East Asia summits. Raw sewage is a huge problem for cities impacted by Irma and Harvey. Hope Hicks secures WH comms director position - the fourth person to hold the job this year. In Detroit Rock City last night, Kid Rock sang, but did not announce for office. The iPhone is all about finding a mate and sex. Boston's urban core, universities, unique quality of life put the city at the top to the list for Amazon HQ2. The Cleveland Indians have won 20 straight games. The Atlanta Falcons uses Team Sky as a guiding light - utilizing the theory of the adjacent possible and maximizing cross-pollination. 

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