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Ross Rant | September 14, 2017

Mueller's team is seeking additional evidence from SV powerhouse companies Facebook and Twitter about what the heck happened on their platforms last fall during Election 2016. The "like" button isn't working, the list of SV haters is now on both sides of the aisle and regulation is coming. Even spy community as social media has become the soft underbelly of global espionage. For only the fourth time in 27 years, an American president has stopped a foreign takeover of an American company - how will Beijing respond? North Korea warned the US would be reduced to ‘ashes and darkness’ in its latest rant. Russia sees comms and information as the ultimate weapon - to which I say simply, duh. Pull out an atlas and remind yourself that having a friend south of the US border is a good thing for the US. Is there a deal for DACA? Did Trump make a deal with Nancy and Chuck last night? Mnuchin sought a government plane for his honeymoon. Juicero investors blame populism - hilarious. Anna Wintour speaks in a rare interview. Amazon is all in on the sports docu-series format. The baseball Indians of Cleveland are relentless - the team captured its 21st straight win.

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