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Trump's French Cuff Off the Cuff Trade Policy

I have so many problems with Trump - from policy design to panache departure. But what really puts me over the edge - his total lack of professional political management. 

From a communications management perspective, what DJT did yesterday was a complete professional political management epic fail.

No heads up.

No warning.

No message points.

No surrogate talking heads.

No OpEds.

No coordination with Capitol Hill.

Epic fail.

Trump shocked many of his top advisers by announcing plans for 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and 10 percent on imported aluminum off the cuff. Even metals industry executives attending a White House industry sector meeting yesterday were shocked.

Senior advisers including Gary Cohn thought they had at least delayed the announcement. Republicans on Capitol Hill had no warning about what Trump was about to do. 

The announcement quickly sent the Dow down 500 points.

The stocks of 16 steelmakers gained $1 billion in market value as a result of the move while the rest of the market lost $400 billion.

Trump is easily the most unqualified professional political manager in my lifetime.

Well done sir.

Marc A. Ross is the founder of Caracal Global and specializes in global communications and thought leader management at the intersection of politics, policy, and profits.